Start Your Legacy
Our Leadership
Surrounded by Greatness
Get to know the faces you’ll see at First Atlanta and the roles they fill to support you.
Jean Rawls
Operating Principal
Kara Epstein
Team Leader
Lynn LeCraw
Qualifying Broker
Michael New
Director of Operations
Michaël Dumbi
Assistant MCA
Vanessa westfall
Productivity Coach
Stephen Wright
Creative Director
get to know first atlanta's alc
Agent Leadership Council
The Agent Leadership Council (ALC) comprises passion-fueled agents who hold our core values close to their hearts. They serve as our “Board of Directors”, having been carefully selected from the Top 20% of First Atlanta agents to act as a voice for their fellow agents—leading, inspiring, and always caring.
Get to know the ALC
Join the Family
Where leaders thrive & legacies unfold.
Start Your Legacy